Beck Michaels

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Divine Blood Updates

The last of winter is fading away so that means Spring is coming ... and unfortunately, that means another time jump. Do you have daylight savings in your part of the world is it just a weird US custom? I am still getting used to waking up at 7am and finding it dark outside. Other than that, Spring is one of my favorite seasons because it represents new beginnings, and I have a lot of new things to share with you guys today.

This month’s giveaway prize is a hard copy of Crescent City: House of Earth & Blood by Sarah J. Mass and launches March 25th. It will be open to both US and international residents. This is my birthday month so to celebrate, I will be choosing two winners! If you’re not already doing so, follow me on Instagram for daily updates on my books, excerpts of Divine Blood and monthly giveaways.

Write like a boss.

On to the next bit of news, I am so excited to announce that Divine Blood is now up for Pre-Order on Amazon!

I am channeling Jonathan Van Ness when I say, “Can you believe!?”

This book has been a long time coming so it’s very surreal for me. I am so happy (and secretly freaking out) that DB will be published in less than five months. *Insert screaming here*

I turned in my manuscript to my editor on Monday for a pre-final round of proofreading, then Divine Blood will be ready for ARCs. My ARC Team is growing daily, another thing that I never thought would happen. It means so much that people are interested in my book baby. I can only hope you will love it as much as I do.

I still have space on my team. If you would like to receive a an early advance copy in exchange for an honest review, go here to apply. ARCs go out April 1st and will be available in ebook format. Print copies are reserved for select book bloggers and professional reviewers. If you’d like a print copy, contact me with your information.

And finally, my last announcement for the month: Divine Blood is having a little makeover. The cover is being redesigned and will hopefully be available in time for ARCs.

I can’t wait to share it you.