Beck Michaels

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Newsletter & Freebie

I have been so holed up in my writing cave that I did not notice it was August now! Time certainly likes to fly by without a notice. My days are blurring together. But let’s get on with the monthly news. I have so much to share with you!

If you missed the announcement on my Instagram page, the synopsis to Bonded Fate is now up on my website! It will give you a mini teaser on what the sequel to The Guardians of the Maiden series is about. More big news! King’s Oath now on Goodreads and it has a release date! I plan to release it in June of next year a bit after the release of book three.

*whispers* I know the title to book three, guys! But I will hold on to that secret for a bit longer. I can’t get too far ahead of myself. No release date for Bonded Fate yet. I have narrowed it down to end of December or early January. It all depends on how fast I can get this book together. I’m working diligently and it is slowly starting to take form.

Update for those who have placed a hardback pre-order: distribution is still delayed but I expect to receive them by the end of this month. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you so much for bearing with me. I have only FOUR Special Editions left. They come with gold sprayed edges, an art print, and a bookmark. Snag your copy before they are gone because I will not be offering these again.

Divine Blood’s first book tour launched today. It’s hosted by Literary Bound Tours. Follow along on the ten tour stops as it makes it’s way through Instagram.

Back in May I announced Divine Blood was picked up as the ebook inclusion for FaeCrate’s June box. Those have gone out and unboxings have started popping on Instagram and YouTube! Super exciting to see. But guess what? Divine Blood was selected for another book subscription! It will be the first to launch with The NerdyBook Box coming this September! The box comes with a paperback copy of Divine Blood and loads of book merch goodies. You can join the pre-order mailing list HERE.

I just realized something. My book is two months old today! It also has over 236 ratings on Goodreads. Wow! That’s so incredible to me! To celebrate, I want to run a little freebie promotion for you guys.

If you read Divine Blood, leave a review on and you will have a choice of one bookmark below. If you ordered a book off my website, you can leave a review under the paperback section on Amazon.

***BONUS*** Share your review on BOTH Amazon and Goodreads and you’ll get both bookmarks! Even if you have not read the book yet, this offer is good for the whole month and won’t expire until October 31st. So everyone has a chance to win this freebie.

That’s it for this month’s news. As always, stay happy, healthy, and read good books!