Shipping Updates & Ebook Issues

📣 SHATTERED SOULS EBOOK: It's come to my attention that the unedited ebook file was uploaded on Amazon and this went out on release day. I am very sorry about this. I’m human and mistakes happen. The correct version is up now. To get it, remove the download from your kindle/kindle app (don’t return), then re-download and that should give you the correct edited version of Shattered Souls! To check if you have the right book, the Part I page will have a potion bottle on it. Thank you for your patience.

Hey Guardians!

How is your October going? It’s been a really busy month for me. I've been working on box stuff and I also have my kids home during fall break. It’s been hectic around here.

I am still waiting on some merch items to arrive from overseas for the Firelight box, but I have had a few unforeseen issues arrive with the exclusives and with some items.

The Bonded Fate exclusives unfortunately failed to meet quality inspection. I cannot in my right mind ship these to you in their condition. So I am ordering new books and sadly this will add more time to their expected delivery. I am very sorry. I take setbacks hard, especially with my books. I know everyone has been waiting. I will do my best to get your orders out to you as soon as possible.

I am one person handling over 500 orders while balancing home life, so it's been taking me a bit to sort everything. Thank you for being so patient with me! I promise it will be worth the wait.

Cassiel plushies will be in the Firelight and Frost box!

Some good news is that I received tracking info for the Cassiel plushies! I hope to see them arrive within 2-3 weeks. Crossing my fingers. Waiting on pins to be shipped next and another premium item.

Print Pack: Cassiel and Dyna holo prints!

Shipping Updates: Updated 11/12th


  • Regular hardback and paperback preorders - SHIPPED

  • Book 1 and 2 single exclusive preorders - SHIPPED

  • Print Pack preorders - SHIPPED

    Estimated to ship after Thanksgiving

  • Shattered Souls single exclusive preorder

  • Exclusive Bundle box preorder

  • Firelight and Frost box preorder

All the items in your order will ship together!

Print Packs: I still have some available! (included with the Firelight and Frost box)

✨Preorder incentives: Ebook preorders, I am sending those incentives out this weekend. Box and books preorders, I will send your incentives together.

Preorder incentives are here!

Ebook, paperback, and hardback are now up on Amazon | Exclusive Edition | Signed Copy | Barnes&Noble | Book Depository | Books-a-Million | Waterstones.

📣 SHATTERED SOULS EBOOK: It's come to my attention that the unedited ebook file was uploaded on Amazon and this went out on release day. I am very sorry about this. I’m human and mistakes happen. The correct version is up now. To get it, remove the download from your kindle/kindle app (don’t return), then re-download and that should give you the correct edited version of Shattered Souls!To check if you have the right version, the Part I page will have a potion bottle on it. Thank you for your patience.

I think that covers everything. If you have any questions, or if you need help with your orders, please contact Will from my website. He is super helpful.

Thank you!

As always, stay safe and read good books,


Beck Michaels

Beck Michaels

BECK MICHAELS is the bestselling author of the enchanting YA epic fantasy series The Guardians of the Maiden…

What’s Coming Next


Shattered Souls is here!